

Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is undoubtedly one of the most successful movie franchises of all time, grossing over $22 billion worldwide. However, despite its immense popularity and critical acclaim, there are quite a few things about the MCU that have left fans scratching their heads. In this article, we will explore some of the most significant flaws in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

1. Inconsistent Power Levels


One of the biggest criticisms of the MCU is the inconsistency of power levels among its characters. For example, consider Scarlet Witch's abilities. In "Avengers: Age of Ultron," she can manipulate reality to the point of creating a nightmare for Tony Stark, but in "Captain America: Civil War," she struggles to contain a small explosion. Similarly, Thor, who is said to be the strongest Avenger, is defeated by Thanos in "Avengers: Infinity War" with relative ease.

2. The Villains

While the Marvel Cinematic Universe has produced some memorable villains, such as Thanos and Loki, there have also been some significant disappointments. For example, Malekith, the villain in "Thor: The Dark World," was forgettable, one-dimensional, and lacked any real motivation. Similarly, Yellowjacket, the villain in "Ant-Man," felt underdeveloped and lacked any real menace.

3. The Death and Revival of Characters

The MCU has a habit of killing off characters, only to revive them later on. While this is a common trope in comic books, it has been heavily criticized in the MCU. For example, Nick Fury dies in "Captain America: Winter Soldier," only to show up alive and well in "Avengers: Age of Ultron." Similarly, Loki seemingly dies in "Avengers: Infinity War," only to later appear alive and well in "Loki."

4. The Treatment of Female Characters

While the MCU has made strides in recent years in the treatment of female characters, there is still room for improvement. In the early days of the MCU, female characters were often relegated to secondary roles and were given little to do. Black Widow, one of the few female characters in the early MCU, was often reduced to eye candy and lacked any real character development. Similarly, in "Avengers: Age of Ultron," Thor takes Jane Foster to Asgard, leaving his love interest, Jane's friend and physicist Darcy Lewis, behind. Lewis's absence is not explained, nor is she mentioned in the final cut of the film.

5. The Lack of Diversity

While the Marvel Cinematic Universe has made strides in recent years in the representation of different groups, it still lags behind in some areas. For example, there are no Asian-led Marvel superhero movies to date, even though Asian Americans make up a significant proportion of the US population. Similarly, Hollywood's issue with whitewashing has reared its ugly head in the MCU, with the casting of Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One in "Doctor Strange."

In conclusion, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has achieved unparalleled success in the world of cinema, but it still has its flaws. The inconsistent power levels among its characters, the hit-and-miss villains, the death and revival of characters, the treatment of female characters, and the lack of diversity are all areas that need improvement. However, there is hope for the future, with the recent announcements of more diverse superheroes and Ryan Coogler's "Black Panther" setting a new standard for representation in superhero movies.