







In the universe, dark matter is a kind of matter known as "the dark mass", which is still overlooked in the scientific research field, but it actually exists in an incredible level, more than six hundred thousand times more than all the bright matters. Dark matter is usually a kind of unknown matter, and it has no obvious interaction with atomic nucleus and protons, neutrons, but it does have gravity, and it can't be observed by electromagnetic waves, only by its gravitational effects.

Dark matter plays an important role in stellar systems, because they are distributed in most of the galaxy, and they are the core of stability. It is because of the gravitational attraction of dark matter that the shape of the galaxy and some other phenomena can be found, and these phenomena themselves have a close relationship with dark matter.

Dark matter is also one of the reasons for the formation of the galaxy rotation curve. The rotation curve of the galaxy is actually referring to the curve that all the stars in a certain galaxy forms when they are driven by the gravitational attraction of dark matter. The traditional rotation curve assumes that there is no dark matter in the galaxy, only visible matter, and the curve would be unreliable, so when considering the existence and gravitational effects of dark matter, the rotation curve is more accurate. In this way, scientists can obtain the weight, distribution and influence of dark matter in galaxies, and provide a basis for further explanation of the galaxy's rotational mechanics.

Meanwhile, dark matter, like satellite trabaya, may also form a closed galactic system, that is, the dark matter planet. The dark matter planet has never been observed, and can not be observed by microwaves, they can only be found by interpreting the distribution and experimentally measuring the effect of gravitational force. Moreover, since dark matter does not interact with visible matter, they can also be called black hole planets, which may include small objects like trabaya satellites or larger stars, which may form a healthy, stable galactic system with stars or small asteroids. As dark matter does not interact with visible matter, it is not destroyed by ordinary physical phenomena, but more stable.

Since the discovery of dark matter, scientists have been devoted to explaining what dark matter is actually, how it exerts gravitational effects, and how it affects the shape and rotation curve of galaxies in the universe. According to current researches, dark matter may also form independent galactic systems, so future researches may continue to explore the dark matter planets and their roles in the universe.